Company profile

As one of the leading wafer manufacturers, Siltronic is globally oriented and operates production facilities in Asia, Europe and the USA. 
Silicon wafers are the foundation of the modern semiconductor industry and the basis for chips in all electronic applications - from computers and smartphones to electric cars and wind turbines. The international company is highly customer-oriented and focused on quality, precision, innovation and growth. Siltronic AG employs around 4,400 people worldwide and has been listed in the Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange since 2015. Siltronic AG shares are included in both the MDAX and TecDAX stock market indices.

About Siltronic AG

The Siltronic share - a top performing MDAX and TecDAX share

Siltronic AG has been listed on the stock market since 2015, and was included on the TecDAX just a few months after the IPO and is a member of the MDAX.

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Careers at Siltronic

As a technology leader and one of the world’s top manufacturers of silicon wafers, Siltronic offers excellent career opportunities. We are always looking for new, highly motivated colleagues who want to help us shape the future of semiconductor technology. Are you a young professional having completed your education or training, a university graduate, or a highly qualified expert looking for new challenges with excellent prospects? Let’s meet soon!

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